Sunday, July 21, 2013

What is Dev tag stand for in html ?

The HTML div element is a block level container for other elements. By itself, it has no presentational or semantic meaning, except that, as a block level element, browsers will render a line break before and after its content. div element is currently the most common method for identifying the structural sections of a document.

Ex: <div id="main_navigation"> ⋮ 
<div id="body_content">
 <h1>Page heading</h1> 
<p>Body content</p>

What is UTF8 ?

UTF-8 (8-bit Unicode Transformation Format) UTF-8 is a popular encoding form of the Unicode/ISO-10646 standard.

What is AJAX ?

AJAX is based on internet standards, Ajax is made up of the following technologies:

  • XHTML and CSS for presenting information.
  • Document Object Model (DOM) for dynamically interacting with and displaying the information presented.
  • XMLHttpRequest object to manipulate data asynchronously with the Web server.
  • XML, HTML, and XSLT for data interchange and manipulation.
  • JavaScript for binding data requests and information display.
Source: IBM

Hack Windows Password

Hello friends I have found for you a very easy and effective method for hack windows Password with this software you can easily break Administrator password , user account passwords .You can also break advance level of passwords like SYSKEY password , Facial Expression Password , and Thumb Recognition passwords. the Syskey password is very strong password if you forget the password there is no option to recover this password .you will have to install new windows. But now there is no need to install windows .you can easily break any password of windows in any OS. If you have forgotten your password, or your computer is locked out, or you do not have access to the password of the system, you only need to boot from this software from CD/DVD/USB to reset your lost password. Then you can get back into your system in a minute. No need to call a technician, no need to re-install anything, and you certainly don’t need to reformat.

Get the job done Download ISO File From :here

Thanks me later.

What is Extensible ?

Meaning of Extensible is capable of being extended, Extensible is a programming language or a system that can be modified by changing or adding features or a protocol and Extensible related to XML.

What is Panic Code ?

Panic code is another html programming software just like Notepad++ you can use it to program your html pages and it will show your programming errors in dynamic. 

Sinhala unicodes for what & why?

To Type in sinhala and appear them as exact sinhala text you must need to have sinhala unicodes, there are bunch of unicodes already there like

# Iskoola Pota (iskpota.ttf) (which is coming with windows 7 and above no need to install)
# Dinamina (dina-b-3.ttf) 
# Malithi Web (FM-MalithiUW46.ttf) 
# Akshar Unicode (akshar.ttf)
# Potha Unicode Font
# Kaputa Unicode Font 
# Kandy Unicode Font 
# Sarasavi Unicode 
# UCSC Font Converter... etc 
# Sinhala Unicode and Browser/OS support info 
# Unicode Keyboard Layout 
# SinGlish Online Keyboard

and also you can try google sinhala translater which is when you type the pronounsation word for sinhala in english it will appear in sinhala text go and give it a try from this link -

Batman/Superman movie announcement audio

Batman/Superman movie announcement audio

What is XML (extensible markup language) ?

Extensible markup language which is shorten to XML,  XML using to store, and transport information. XML is much easier to use. XML isn't a programming language but XML document is a string of characters any Unicode character will show in an XML document. 

The following example is a note to Tove, from Jani, stored as XML: 

<note> <to>Tove</to> 
<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body> 

Source from W3school

Friday, July 19, 2013

Rio 2 Trailer 2014 Movie - Official

Checkout the upcoming Rio 2 Trailer


Who's ready for some new music?  First single on the new album is “Turn The Night Up”!  What do you think about the cover? #turnthenightup
Premieres On this Monday July 22nd